Floor Managment

The “Floor Management” is a unified system that could integrate with any CRM to enable brokers to automate some of their operations. The system analyses trading data together with other data sources to track traders’ behavior in real time.

The system then generates alerts on various topics to specific roles so they become aware of events as they occur.

This way, employees in retention, sales, control and other departments will be able to receive their tasks automatically via the CPattern UI. As a result, many operations and work procedures will become more efficient and optimized.

Retention - Account Monitoring & Control (“AMC”)

Get notified about critical behaviors, as you define them, of each account, when they occur Provides real time alerts to account managers on critical behaviors of traders in their portfolio. This saves critical time of data collection and enables all accounts to be handled properly in no time. The system was AB tested across many brokers since 2014 and had shown a significant uplift in various KPI’s such as trading volume (redeposit rate).

Auto pop ups

Self-served actions for traders based on critical scenarios Front-end predefined html messages displayed within the trading platform according to critical retention scenarios. The messages are aimed to generate call for actions for traders when account managers are unable to attend. Traders’ reactions are transmitted to the AMC for immediate follow up.


Automate documentation uploading and speed up conversion This module reduces time of handling traders’ documentation by providing ability to upload documents manually and track actions in real time. Compliance officers are then able to focus on clients that require closer support and increase conversion rate.


Be informed of risky behaviors in real time Alerting the dealing room about extreme behaviors of specific accounts

Messaging system

Deliver content while keeping your traders trading Push notifications to the trading platforms on demand. Enables tracking exposure and reactions in real time

3rd parties integration

Streamline all data sources through the CPattern UI CPattern can enable presentation of 3rd party’s content through its UI and the utilization of external data with CPattern’s logics

Business Intelligence integration

Distribute your insights in real time to all your employees CPattern could interface with broker’s existing BI systems and distribute their outputs in real time to relevant employees

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